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  • 03/06/2024

    Digital transformation in long-term care: the webinar video is now available

    On 16 May, 2024, a well-attended EHTEL Imagining 2029 webinar - organised together with the support of the Laurel project - brought together EHTEL members and friends and Laurel consortium members. 

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  • 06/05/2024

    An overview of the EU4Health Programme and its 2021-2024 focus

    What is the EU4Health Programme?

    The EU4Health Programme was launched in 2021 as a response to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Its overall aim is to build crisis preparedness in the European Union.

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  • 06/05/2024

    Data Saves Lives: A quickie guide to what the initiative offers

    Are you looking for easy-to-read, yet high-quality, information that explains to your members, staff, and other audiences how health data can be used and how it can ensure people's safety and well-being?

    Data Saves Lives could be just the initiative for you. Shortly about to celebrate its five years of existence, the initiative has much to offer

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  • 06/05/2024

    Integrated delivery of long-term care: An initial framework is available

    Are you following what's happening in the field of integrated long-term care?

    Back in 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for Europe - based in Copenhagen, Denmark - launched a study to develop a useful framework for assessing the integrated delivery of long-term careThe resulting report was published online in 2021. It provides guidance for assessing the integrated delivery of health and social services for long-term care.

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  • 02/05/2024

    MedCom celebrates 30 years of digitalisation

    “Once upon a time, in a small kingdom towards the north, something new was underway. The small project organisation “Danish Centre for Health Telematics” (later just known as MedCom) was established on May 16, 1994. It was given a very important job by the monarch: to connect the health sector electronically.”

    This could have been the catchy beginning of the short story you are about to read. Yet what happened 30 years ago in Denmark is not a fairytale. Rather, it was the result of joined-up national efforts, built on local initiatives and innovation in digitalisation of the health sector, and the hard work of pioneers in the field of health IT.

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