Workshops à la carte
EHTEL draws on the expertise of its multi-stakeholder membership to design and deliver high-quality workshops tailored to your needs and requirements.
À la carte workshops focus on your chosen area of interest and explore the subject in depth with a panel of expert speakers, together with an audience of leading practitioners.

- An intensive and interactive learning experience focused on topics of your choice.
- Selected experts in the field of digital health as speakers, panellists, and moderators.
- Access to a targeted audience of experts in digital health and the opportunity to promote your activities and technologies.
- EHTEL’s expertise in events’ organisation and its extensive network of contacts.
Public authorities, health professionals, health-care providers, health insurers, eHealth services providers and citizens can choose:
- The size and format of the workshop, which can take the shape of a major conference or focus on a small and selected event.
- The main theme of the workshop and the selected speakers
EHTEL's support
- In defining the theme, the structure and the speakers for your à la carte workshop.
- In taking charge of all organisational aspects of the workshop, including event organisation, promotion, and management.
- In advertising the workshop to its membership and to high-level profiles engaged in digital health in Europe and beyond.
“One of the most eagerly anticipated meetings at eHealth Week over the past few years is the EHTEL Thought Leadership event, for which IBM has provided both moderators and panellists. We value the opportunity for open and challenging debate about the evolution of healthcare, and in our particular case, the role of IT companies in supporting this. From our perspective, it is essential to understand the needs, concerns and frustrations of all stakeholders, not least clinicians and patients, and to learn from them so we can focus on what really matters. The panellists and audience are all experts in their field, leading to well informed discussions about the challenges we all face in sustaining our systems of care. We are proud to be associated with this multi-stakeholder forum, which has informed both our industry perspective and our business focus, as well as expanding our network of influential contacts."
John Crawford, IBM, Healthcare Industry Leader, Europe
For more information on our services contact us at:
Tel: +32 2 230 1534
Fax: +32 2 230 8440
EHTEL, Avenue de Tervueren 168, Box 2 - B-1150 Brussels, Belgium