
Support to enabling the digital transformation of health and care in the Digital Single Market
Project description
- citizens’ secure access to and sharing of health data across borders
- better data to advance research, disease prevention and personalised health and care
- digital tools for citizen empowerment and person-centred care.
Three multi-stakeholders communities are being set up to align all the ongoing and future initiatives supporting these three important priorities.
Visit the DigitalHealthEurope website.
EHTEL's role
EHTEL’s chief role is to support communication, dissemination, and engagement. Regular news about the activities supporting Europe’s work on the digital transformation of health and care was produced. Stakeholder engagement to this societal commitment will be reinforced. In all these areas, EHTEL works regularly and closely with 7 other consortium partners.
Of special interest to EHTEL’s members is that DigitalHealthEurope is funding a twinning scheme around the deployment of digital solutions for person-centred integrated care. Over 45 twinning opportunities were organised between more than 90 organisations. The activities took place between September 2019-June 2021. Funding was provided by the project to carry out twinning activities.Digital HealthEurope’s website is rich with news, including through its seven issues of its Digest – launched in January 2021.

***For more information visit the project website***