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Health data ecosystems for integrated care: A new blue ocean

Digital Integrated Task Force Virtual Workshop - 22 June 2020

virtual workshop DCTFs 1

On the 22nd June 2020, EHTEL launched the online event Health data ecosystems for integrated care: A new blue oceancare: A new blue ocean. It was part of the Imagining 2029 work programme, a programme building on a series of webinars and workshops – hosted by its working groups – focused on accelerating digital transformation while acknowledging the opportunities and challenges raised by the current COVID-19 crisis. This workshop belongs to the Digital Integrated Care Task Force agenda for 2020: Building Health Data Ecosystems for Integrated Care.


The webinar in a nutshell

This webinar focused on what health data ecosystems are and how can be built to benefit health and care integration. It also aimed to identify the building blocks and steering elements that frame a health data ecosystem (data protection, standards, business, and governance models).


No time to watch the webinar now? Explore the outcomes

Tino Marti, eHealth Project Officer in EHTEL, opened the discussion by introducing the agenda and the concept of a Blue Ocean. In the first presentation, Saara Malkamäki, specialist at Sitra – the Finnish Innovation Fund, introduced Sitra's IHAN® project. The project is building the foundation for a fair and functioning data economy and creating a common concept for data sharing. Mrs Malkamäki focused on what is a data ecosystem and how value is created in it, using a freight logistics example.

A presentation by Rachelle Kaye (Assuta Medical Centers) followed. She provided examples from the Israeli data ecosystem. Assuta and Maccabi have partnered together in CONNECARE, an H2020 project on digitally supported integrated care. Mrs Kaye also focused on an online dashboard developed by Maccabi to safely monitor and care for COVID patients at home and presented a solution advanced by K Health.

The second part of the webinar consisted of a “front-row” discussion hosting Donna Henderson (SCIROCCO Exchange), Zoi Kolitsi (Digital Health Europe), and Ain Aviksoo (Guardtime Health). All the participants were invited to complete a live poll on the core elements of health data ecosystems for integrated care. The poll included questions on the main obstacles to advanced health and care integration, and the key mobilisers who develop health data ecosystems. The results of the live poll were the starting point for a lively and insightful discussion among the front row participants.

The factsheet

As a final outcome, EHTEL has developed a factsheet focusing on what health data ecosystems are, how they can be built, and how they can underpin integrated care initiatives.

Download the factsheet (pdf)

Read the news on the factsheet launch


Want more? 

- Check out the next webinars from September onwards under the Digital Integrated Care Task Force agenda for 2020

- Learn all about Imagining 2029 work programme

- Download all the speakers' PDF presentations in the "Resources" section below⤵️

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  • EHTEL Factsheet: Health data ecosystems for integrated care - A new blue ocean 22 June 2020 EHTEL PDF*
  • Webinar presentation: Health data ecosystems for integrated care - A new blue ocean 22 June 2020 EHTEL PDF*


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