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EHTEL announces the date and content of its very special, 2024 Thought Leader Symposium. Taking place on 3-4 December, in Brussels, Belgium, the event will mark the celebration of EHTEL's 25th Anniversary. You are warmly welcome to join us for this special event!

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EHTEL celebrates 25 years of action

 Sumposium bubbles
This year, EHTEL is celebrating 25 years of action and implementation. EHTEL has come a long way since its launch in 1999.  
EHTEL began its 25th anniversary year celebrations in May 2024. Amid EHTEL's active contributions to the Radical Health Festival Helsinki, it already held a celebratory drink for members and guests. The festival already included many important themes and topics, led by EHTEL. 
In autumn 2024, EHTEL will continue to organise a wide range of special webinars and workshops that will culminate in the holding of the 2024 Symposium

▶️ Tuesday 3 December 2024, 14:00-17:00: a special get-together for EHTEL members will be held in the Scotland House, Brussels, Belgium.

⚜️ For EHTEL members:

  • attendance on December 3 2024 is free of charge.
  • EHTEL members get a 30% discount to attend open-day on 4 December.

▶️ Wednesday 4 December 2024, 9:00 - 17:00: EHTEL's celebratory 2024 Symposium will be an all-day event taking place in the same location.

? Early bird tickets: get a 30% discount by booking your ticket before 15 September 2024, using code "EarlyBirdEHTEL25"* at registration.

The Networking Dinner is open for everyone and will take place on Tuesday, 3 December 2024 at 20:00. The amount of seats is limited.


Looking back and looking forwards towards a better digital health future

EHTEL's 2024 Symposium is a particularly important gathering and an especially festive event, held during the association's 25th anniversary year. It will involve attendees in looking back and looking forward. In the digital health field, where the one constant is change, looking back at the "where" and "why" it all started from,​ is crucial for creating a better future.
Isthepastactuallythefutureformaintenance “Back to the future” is the theme of EHTEL's 25th Anniversary Symposium in 2024
Looking back, EHTEL members will explore their lessons learned on managing change and their deployment journeys over time. Topics to be covered include: 
  • Data sharing, from silos to ecosystems
  • Towards an enabling infrastructure
  • From process-centred care to people-centred care
Looking forward towards a better digital health future, EHTEL members and friends will highlight:
  • Transforming care delivery, including the use of AI
  • Change management, including capacity-building
  • Implementation strategies for the European Health Data Space.  
The Symposium agenda and content is being built by an EHTEL multi-stakeholder programme committee. 

Who will be there?

Stakeholders sympo 2024

Stakeholders are key to Europe's digital health transformation. Given EHTEL's diversity and range, the Symposium will offer you plenty of opportunities to mix with stakeholders from your own digital health area of work and many other areas of activity; contributors to many big impact projects and activities; longstanding, new, and potential members of EHTEL; and staff from several of the European institutions. 

What's in it for you at the 2024 Symposium? 

Symposium collage
This is your opportunity to meet up with people who were present in the early days of the birth of digital health and learn more about the past; gather together with people with high levels of expertise in the digital health field; and especially help to mature - with like-minded individuals and groups - the digital transformation activities of the future.
By joining in EHTEL's 2024 Symposium, you'll gain a huge number of benefits and be fully prepared for the journey ahead in 2025. So:
  • Get in touch with a broad ecosystem of projects and initiatives. 
  • Join a dedicated community of interest that has tremendous expertise. 
  • Merge your own interests with the work of EHTEL and Europe.
  • Match-make with current and future project consortia.
  • Get to know much more concretely about implementation that is put into practice
  • Get involved in a continuum of activity that will extend over the next years.
Warm up for the event, by watching what 2023 Symposium participants had to say about what they got out of the event:


Get active, and mark your calendar now!

EHTEL's celebratory 2024 Symposium will be an all-day event and will take place on Wednesday 4 December 2024 in Scotland House, Brussels, Belgium. For EHTEL members, a special get-together will be held on the afternoon of Tuesday 3 December 2024 in the same location. 

⚜️ EHTEL members:


  • Let us know which big impact initiatives, dynamic partnerships, implementation activities you'd be willing to present. Contact us at: administration@ehtel.eu
  • Give a very public exposure to your own digital transformation in healthcare interests, experience, expertise, and best practices!
Ultimately, the Symposium will set the scene for plenty of EHTEL-related digital health activities in the future
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