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2025 Work Programme

Top of the agenda for EHTEL in 2025 is everything that surrounds the formal launch of the European Health Data Space (EHDS).

European health and care continue, of course, to face many concrete immediate and long-term challenges. Systems and services are experiencing difficulties in dealing with a large number of threats, including handling major health conditions and diseases, facing ongoing epidemics, dealing with population shifts and changes, and needing to manage and organise upskilling and reskilling.

What is EHTEL doing in 2025?

2025 WP 1

This year EHTEL is placing its emphasis on implementation, deployment, and what implementers need. EHTEL’s Imagining 2029 work programme is therefore structured in three tracks. The three tracks are on: Transforming Care DeliveryImplementation Strategies, and Change Management. They build on earlier work developed by EHTEL.

EHTEL will also be present at, and involved in, a number of important European events and conferences.

What's in it for me?

For EHTEL members and the entire EHTEL community:

🎓 Knowledge-sharing on real and do-able implementation strategies, including in change management and capacity-building, through webinars and workshops open to all. 

🏛️ Engagement with European institutions and initiatives on the topic of the EHDS

💡Answers to your questions from digital health experts. 


⚜️ Additional activities for members only:

🤝 Personalised opportunities to network, match-make on EU-funded projects, develop partnerships, and get together with a select group of organisations which are getting things done in digital health.

📝  Precious front-row insights into EHDS policy and implementation through active involvement of implementers in a European Health Data Space (EHDS) Implementers' Task Force

📣 Getting implementers’ voices heard through a range of policy-related Partnerships. 

🌟 Showcasing your work to other organisations in the EHTEL community.


Many of EHTEL's events are open to all. However, throughout 2025, EHTEL will be especially active with a set of  members-only activities: check out the EHTEL Members' Workspace to access materials and calls limited to EHTEL members only.

We encourage you to approach us about these activities and events, even if you aren’t an EHTEL member yet. Or simply, join EHTEL.

Your own involvement and engagement in these important moves forward throughout the year are strongly welcomed!

Transforming Care Delivery, including the use of AI

The transformation of care delivery, whether in health systems or in care systems or both (when they are brought together as integrated long-term care), is moving ahead rapidly. Implementers are keen to have this shift take place. Part of the implementation processes needed involves AI, including “generative AI”.

This track will focus on work related to:

  • Prevention and personalised dementia and frailty solutions.
  • Assessing and interventions supported by digital health solutions
  • Integrated long-term care / Digital maturity assessment tool for Integrated Long-Term Care

It draws especially on the work of two EU projects: COMFORTage and LaurelIt is very involved with the European partnership, Transforming Health and Care Systems (THCS). 


▶️ “Analysing Patient and Caregiver Needs, supported by COMFORTage | 21 March 2025

▶️ “Assessing Interventions supported by Digital Health Technologies”, supported by COMFORTage | 20 June 2025

▶️ “Understanding the political (and financial) choices made by policymakers in supporting patients and carers affected by dementia and identifying innovative public initiatives”, supported by COMFORTage | 26 September 2025

Implementation strategies, including the European Health Data Space

This track has two parts. It is oriented towards:

  • ⚜️ EHTEL members, through the regular meeting and activities of the EHDS Task Force.
  • An interoperability hub with a focus on public health use of data, through the initiatives undertaken in the EU project xShare.

Support will also be given through liaison with projects such as Xt-EHRi2x, and MyHealth@MyHands


To be announced soon.


Change Management, including capacity-building

Building on a set of useful materials developed, and trialled/implemented, by EHTEL over a period of five+ years, many resources on tools and techniques are available. They provide useful reading and implementation materials.

This track has two parts. It is oriented towards:

  • Inclusive access to healthcare promotion.
  • Health workforce skills.

Its work is related to the focus of two EU projectsBeWell and Equicares.

Building on a set of useful materials developed, and trialled/implemented, by EHTEL over a period of five+ years, many resources on tools and techniques are available. They provide useful reading and implementation materials. Many are aimed at scaling up digital health and care. 


To be announced soon.



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EHTEL  remains conscious of its environmental commitments. Besides organising and attending some physical meetings, it continues with a green approach to meeting organisation in 2025 when it will hold a mix of physical meetings, virtual meetings, and hybrid meetings.  Increasingly, the work of some of EHTEL members is moving towards the implications of environmentalism and sustainability for health and care.