Technical assistance
- supporting the setting up and kicking off a National eHealth Centre in the Czech Republic (see documents below)
- defining a new eHealth governance framework for the Ministry of Social Affairs of Estonia through a series of workshops and reports (available to EHTEL members).

Working with EHTEL on your country’s digital health strategy and governance offers you the opportunity to:
- Draw on EHTEL members’ expertise in fields as diverse as legal and regulatory, organisational, technical, innovation, stakeholder engagement, communication/dissemination, and data-oriented subjects related to health and care.
- Build the capacity of your centre to do more about scaling-up digital health and care in your own region or country.
- Build on experiences from many other locations and sites around Europe.
- Experiment with the many tools and techniques that EHTEL has put together and used over its years of implementation experience.
- Raise awareness about your region or country’s unique characteristics in the digital health fields.
- Engage in collaborations with leading healthcare organisations
Recently, EHTEL contributed with its capacity-building experiences in helping set up the Czech Republic’s national eHealth Centre. One of the experts involved had this to say about how being aware of the differences around Europe can help with fine-tuning guidance:
“There is considerable diversity among competence centres, influenced by their healthcare systems and other unique national factors. At the same time, there are clear commonalities, as well as lessons to be learned, from the experience of each centre. An overview of a range of centres can provide valuable guidance for the structure and operating principles of the Czech Republic’s eHealth Centre.”
Rachelle KAYE, EHTEL Director (K-Tor Consulting Services Ltd, Israel).
EHTEL offers various forms of technical assistance e.g., offering insights into the digital conditions in various countries, consolidating good practices, writing these up in detailed reports and contributing to the “AS IS” and “TO BE” reports.
For more information on our services contact us at:
Tel: +32 2 230 1534
Fax: +32 2 230 8440
EHTEL, Avenue de Tervueren 168, Box 2 - B-1150 Brussels, Belgium