logo Collaborating for Digital Health and Care in Europe

Open consultations

EHTEL is often approached with open calls, various funding opportunities and ideas for proposal submissions. As a result, we are always keen to have these slots filled by experienced and knowledgeable EHTEL members. EHTEL can help consortia with match-making and finding missing partners for your proposed projects.

As a result of these activities, EHTEL members' Workspace provides EHTEL Members with access to premium content such as opportunities for collaboration and open calls on various digital health-related topics.

Join your colleagues and peers in helping to build a solid digitally health-oriented Europe of good health and care for people! 
Any relevant calls or consultations of which EHTEL is aware are added to this list systematically as soon as possible after they are announced:

Targeted Stakeholder Expert Consultation Procedure Xt-EHR Deliverable 5.1 and 5.2

Deadline: 11 June 2025