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Xt-EHR Joint Action: Preparing for the European Health Data Space (EHDS)

Is the deployment of cross-border telemedicine services a topic on your agenda? See this great opportunity: the Xt-EHR Joint Action launched an open consultation on the topic of telemedicine services, in preparation for the EHDS.

XT EHR is launching a consultation on Telemedicine under MyHealth@EU

Xt-EHR Joint Action: Preparing for the European Health Data Space (EHDS)

The Xt-EHR Joint Action is a joint action project aimed at engaging Member States in the preparation of the European Health Data Space (EHDS). The project is now launching a consultation.

One of the project’s work packages, WP9, is dedicated to "Telemedicine under MyHealth@EU". Its work focuses on laying the groundwork for implementing cross-border telemedicine services, which aim to enhance healthcare accessibility, improve interoperability, and ensure continuity of healthcare across the European Union.

WP9 will specifically analyse how MyHealth@EU services can support cross-border telemedicine, including teleconsultations. It does so in alignment with Article 24 – Supplementary cross-border digital health services and infrastructures under the EHDS regulation.

To achieve the work package goals, two reports will be developed:

  • D9.1 – Requirements and use cases on the availability of health data in cross-border telemedicine services
  • D9.2 – Technical specifications on the availability of health data in cross-border telemedicine services


What's in it for you

Xt-EHR is now launching an open consultation on the topic of telemedicine services. Read the consultation procedure announcement to familiarise yourself with the various parts of the process.

You are invited to contribute to the consultation.

▶️ Read the consultation briefing document: this includes a list of questions from Xt-EHR and introduces them briefly. Access the guidelines.

▶️ Please fill in your comments in this form. You may even go one step further and reviewing the entire deliverable D9.1, mentioned above, until 17 March 2025.

The Secretariat is here to help EHTEL members along the way. Feel free to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for any questions you may have.




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