Webinar 1: Analysing Patient and Caregiver Needs: Understanding and addressing the emotional, physical, and practical support (including information) requirements for patients with dementia and frailty, as well as their caregivers.
During this first webinar COMFORTage in the COMFORTage Community Forum series we will analyse the needs of patients and caregivers. We will summarise findings from an extensive literature review and hearing the views of professionals and projects. We will learn from the experience of patients and carers associations reflecting on the different types and phases of neurodegenerative diseases. We will discuss interactively and highlighting the nuances between the most important "needs, desires, and fears of the affected people". Those statements will act as the reference background for the next webinars which will investigate available and prospective solutions.
- Kenneth Muir, Professor of Epidemiology, Division of Population Health, Health Services Research & Primary Care, University of Manchester (UK)
- Ilaria Parrotta, Specialist in Geriatrics, IRCSS San Camillo (Italy)
- Olivia Ghysens, Neuro-psychologist, Revalidation Centre, University Hospital Saint Luc (Belgium)
- Lydie Amici, Collective Auguste and others (Belgium)
- Antonio Guaita MD, GolgiCenci Foundation (Italy, National Guidelines for dementia diagnosis and treatment)
- Caffarra Paolo M.D., past director Dementia Unit A.O.U. (Parma) Member of permanent committee of the Italian Ministry of Health on dementia (Italy, National Guidelines for dementia diagnosis and treatment)
- Sonata Mačiulskytė, PhD, Atlantic Fellow for Equity in Brain Health, Trinity College Dublin | Associate Professor, Klaipėda University (Lithuania)
Marina Makri PhD, Greek Association of Alzheimer's Disease & Related Disorders, Board Member-Greek Carers Network EPIONI (Greece)
- Orla Galvin, Executive Director of the European Federation of Neurological Associations and Board Member of the European Brain Council (Belgium)