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2023 Thought Leader EHTEL Symposium

Access all the knowledge shared at the Symposium!

All of the sessions videos and reports are now available:

The Keynote Speech and Plenary sessions 2 and 7.

UNICOM sessions 3B, 5 and 6B.

Digital Health Uptake sessions 3A, 4 and 6A.


Mark your calendars for the 2024 EHTEL Symposium happening on December 3-4, 2024, in Brussels, Belgium! EHTEL will offer you two days of pioneering discussions and networking, influencing the trajectory of digital health innovation. Save the date!



Digital health implementation: It’s a collaborative business

Digital health implementation is all about collaboration. Everyone in the rich and wide-ranging digital health ecosystem needs to be involved. Many different stakeholders and players have to play their part. Indeed, everyone is in this activity together. It really does take a whole 'orchestra' to achieve success! This Symposium focused therefore on how to collaborate and not simply on why collaborate. 

This 2023 EHTEL Thought Leader Symposium  offered attendees lots of ideas for how to handle their own implementation challenges. It presented the audience with stories about how a wide variety of different players have been successful when implementing digital health. The fields of application were wide. Geographically, they ranged from the local/regional, to national, European, and international. Institutionally, they covered community and organisational contexts as well as clinical, medical, and medicinal settings. Topic-wise, the coverage of applications that spanned personal health recordsePrescribing, and artificial intelligence (AI). The day culminated with a focus on value-based healthcare. Lots of attention was paid to how these challenges have all been met through collaborative ventures.

In 2023, the EHTEL Symposium was organised in the frame of the Digital Health and Data Week: the result of a collaboration between EHTEL, I~HD, and the UNICOM project consortium. The three partnered together  to work on digital health solutions and data that result in the provision of real value for care and research.  All three days of the week included complementary topics: their content  was very synergistic. Social and networking events enabled plenty of mutual discussion and dialogue.

Key statistics 

At EHTEL’s 2023 Thought Leaders’ Symposium, there were: 

📝 To know more about the programme, the participants, and speakers, visit the Symposium programme page.

The Symposium made available plenty of knowledgeable, high-level attendees and speakers with lots of background in implementing digital health in a range of settings. People were keen to share their experiences how to collaborate and not just why to collaborate. This made for lots of discussions in order to exchange experiences and some very rewarding networking

Session summaries

[1] Opening address and Keynote speech 

[2] Unlocking two critical bolts: Achievements of Europe’s large-scale projects

[3a] Digital health solutions adoption and upscaling

[3b] Medicines data integration for clinical use

[4] Deploying digital health in the community

[5] Key architectural concepts for digital integrated governance

[6a] AI in healthcare: how context challenges implementation

[6b] A flexible and reliable circle of trust between organisations

[7] Towards value-based healthcare: the contribution of digital health solutions


Who was there

Stakeholders sympo 4

The 2023 EHTEL Symposium brought together, in-person, in Ghent, Belgium, and online, health professionals and enthusiasts from all around Europe and beyond. The European Union member states covered included Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands, and Spain: from Europe more widely, Norway and the United Kingdom (mostly Scotland). More globally, there were speakers/attendees from Australia, Canada, Israel, and North Macedonia.

See who the speakers were and take a look at their biographies.

Learn what materialises when you meet and network with representatives of:

  • healthcare authorities
  • healthcare providers
  • European health and care associations
  • innovation hubs
  • organisations involved in the pharma world
  • start-ups, and many more.


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