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EHTEL focuses on how health and care systems can use digital technologies to contribute to people's better health. With this goal in mind, we add our support to Lovexair, one of our members, in encouraging as many people as possible to provide data in support of public health research, more specifically to a global lung health map 

Adding data to a global lung health map

Why add data? It will show that digital technology can be used to add all the information needed to: 

  •  Assess, monitor, and improve air quality
  • Improve the quality of data
  • Link together two helpful, major types of data:
    • data about people's individual health status ('primary data')
    • data that can inform policy and decision-making about people's health ('secondary data').
  • Implicitly support the work of the European Health Data Space


What is Lovexair doing?

Lovexair is supporting the global Clean Air, Healthy Lives campaign. The Lovexair Foundation, a civil society organisation, is affirming its commitment to the fight for clean and healthy air for all. On 25 March 2025, the foundation leads off a global campaign to make air cleaner via the use of digital technologies, apps and databases. The launch takes place at a World Health Organization-led conference in Cartagena, Colombia in Latin America. 

Lovexair introduces you in more depth to its Happyair ecosystem, how to use its apps and digital technologies to test your lung health and build a global lung health data map, and find out about its digital toolkit

What's in it for the EHTEL community?

Through this initiative, Lovexair is creating a forerunner to the European Health Data Space (EHDS) regulation - Chapter II, Article 3, regarding the citizen's right to access their personal electronic health data. In EHTEL, we see this as a practical way of testing citizens' levels of engagement in providing access to electronically health-relevant data. Lovexair offers  tools, data and knowledge  to drive real change.
If you want to contribute to Lovexair's Global Health Map, in English, Portuguese or Spanish, take this test.
Health data sharing is also at the centre of EHTEL's work through one of the EU-funded projects we are part of: xShare.

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