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Assistive Technology: Shaping a sustainable and inclusive world

The 17th International Conference of the Association for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe (AAATE) will take place in Paris, at the Conference Centre located Campus Condorcet.


Check out the preliminary programme.

Of particular interest to EHTEL members will be a SHAPES policy-oriented panel on 31 August 2023 on what the large-scale pilot makes as recommendations for the near future. 

Please note that this program is provisional and subject to changes. Besides the 18 educational sessions and 25 innovation area presentations will be added in the next days.

During the AAATE preconference, on Tuesday August 29th, AccessibleEU, the European Accessibility Resource Centre will organise, together with AAATE, University Paris 8 and the APACHES association, a hybrid workshop on the topic : “Building inclusion at University. A holistic approach”.

Practical information

Date : 30/08 - 01/09/2023 Time (CET): 9:00 > 18:00

EHTEL members can benefit from a discount, by mentioning their affiliation with EHTEL during registration.

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