logo Collaborating for Digital Health and Care in Europe

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This webinar is organised in collaboration with the BeWell project.

The webinar will:

  • Showcase good practice examples of countries/regions that have built digitally-competent workforces.
  • Identify potential future actions needed to skill and reskill digitally-competent health and care workforces.


The workshop sections will therefore:

  • Present examples of good practices of countries and regions that have built digitally-competent health and care workforces.
  • Identify challenges, gaps, compensatory mechanisms and what needs to be implemented in the future in terms of digitally-competent health and care workforces in Europe.
  • Capture input from panellists.
  • Enable targeted questions to be asked of the attendees on their digital transformation journeys with their health and care workforces.
  • Reach out for people to continue gathering good practices on digital health transformation journeys in Europe, as well as to build on relevant BeWell activities.



  • Trendsetters around Europe will continue to offer experiences/insights that can help learner/beginner countries and regions implement their own digital transformation journey strategies and approaches).
  • BeWell will expand its Partnership of collaborating networks/associations.


A panel discussion will be organised and moderated by Emma Scatterty (NHS Education for Scotland, Scotland)

The speakers will be announced shortly.

Practical information

Date : 24/04/2025 Time (CET): 15:30 > 17:00
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2025-04-24 15:30 - 2025-04-24 17:00

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