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The EHTEL Symposium

The annual EHTEL Symposium convenes the European eHealth community – public policy representatives, vendors and implementers of health IT – in the heart of Brussels, Belgium.
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Each year, about 150 members, friends, supporters and guests of EHTEL, including European Commission staff, gather together to report on their successes, the challenges they face, and explore the newest trends in digital health in Europe. The event reflects their active engagement in innovating and deploying digital health for the benefit of health care systems.
EHTEL invites its corporate members to sponsor this event. Sponsorship offers you several opportunities:
  • to gain visibility,
  • to show your engagement in supporting the deployment of digital health in Europe,
  • to pass your strategic messages – educational and/or non-commercial.

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There has never been a more crucial time for health and social care stakeholders to engage with each other to shape and influence emerging models of healthcare...

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