logo Collaborating for Digital Health and Care in Europe

Why join us

EHTEL is the one multi-stakeholder organisation within Europe that brings together organisations and individuals engaged in all aspects of eHealth.

There has never been a more crucial time for health and social care stakeholders to engage with each other to shape and influence emerging models of healthcare delivery through data and digital technologies.

Since 1999, its unique structure enables the exchange of ideas and information leading to innovation and improvement in the delivery of eHealth solutions and the transformation of health and social care. It does not lobby on behalf of particular groups but rather facilitates interaction between all of them.

Listen to EHTEL members telling us why they have chosen EHTEL and what are the main benefits they gain:


In a nutshell:

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🎓 Knowledge-sharing on digitally-based innovative services. 

🤝 Opportunities to network, match-make and develop partnerships with our community of 5,000 digital health and care experts and innovators, in Europe and beyond.

🌟 Showcasing of their work to other organisations, by being in the Spotlight.


Other benefits include:


🏛️ Engagement with European institutions’ staff members on policy matters related to the digital transformation of the health and care domain.

💡Answers to your questions from digital health experts, in the form of support from the EHTEL Secretariat.

📝 Precious insights into European policy and the possibility to influence the decision-making process through contributing to joint papers and publications.

🌐 EHTELconnect, a set of services built on the expertise of EHTEL’s multi-stakeholder membership and tailored to your individual needs.


EHTEL adds value by identifying topics and opportunities for engagement for its members and creating synergies between them, as well as building relationships between European projects, Digital Innovation Hubs and Reference Repositories.

🌎 EHTEL Members: a network in Europe and beyond


Have a look at our EHTEL Member page and see what types of stakeholders have joined us.

Explore in more detail EHTEL Members who are in the Spotlight. 


🌟 Testimonials


Learn what our Members have to say about why they joined EHTEL and what their membership brings them.

Listen to MedCom Chief Consultant and manager of international activities, Janne Rasmussen, talk about the value of EHTEL for MedCom Denmark:


The EHTEL ecosystem

The EHTEL ecosystem is a wider community of organisations which includes organisations that represent a variety of key stakeholders.

We team up with non-governmental organisations, particularly for purposes of policy-making and policy development. We liaise with many types of organisations either as a group or bi-laterally. Here are a few examples of these organisational types:

At EHTEL, we take an holistic view of eHealth. The multitude of backgrounds and interests of these stakeholders enable EHTEL, as a neutral forum, to draw a more complete picture of the benefits and challenges of the deployment of ICT in the fields of health and social care, thereby also identifying topics requiring particular attention and further developments at European level.
The range of stakeholders that are EHTEL members permits us to represent both the supply side and the demand side. While EHTEL members' views do not always represent a consensus, they often show how wide-ranging people's opinions can be even inside a single ecosystem.
EHTEL services our membership by offering educational and networking opportunities including:
  • Webinars and the EHTEL Symposium on the topics of the moment: Interoperability, the European Health Data Space(s), ePrescribing, Patient Empowerment, Mobile Health, Semantic Interoperability, Hybrid Care.
  • EHTELconnect, a set of services built on the expertise of EHTEL’s multi-stakeholder membership and tailored to your individual needs - which involve groups like Ministries of Health, Competence Centres, and one representing Patients, Citizens and Consumers.
  • Imagining 2029, reflecting EHTEL's vision of the future of health and care systems in 2029, by encouraging active input from all the members of its ecosystem.
As the eHealth focal point in Europe, EHTEL supports all organisations and individuals interested in accessing eHealth information in Europe. It is registered in the EC Transparency Register.

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There has never been a more crucial time for health and social care stakeholders to engage with each other to shape and influence emerging models of healthcare...

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