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A behind-the-scenes look into the Danish health IT market

EHTEL launched a new series of webinars in 2023. The series focuses on what's trending today and what are the hot topics for EHTEL's own members. On 23 November 2023  EHTEL explored Denmark's own strategy for innovation. This members and invitees-only webinar, in the EHTEL Imagining 2029 Trends in local markets series, attracted over 25 attendees (60% of registrants were EHTEL members) who came from several different European countries. Attendees’ geographic coverage included Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, North Macedonia, and Slovakia; Nordic/Scandinavian countries like Denmark, Norway, and Sweden; and various parts of the United Kingdom (e.g., Scotland and Wales).


Since the early 1990s, Denmark has continuously digitalised the entire public sector, including the health sector. This initiative has had many benefits for citizens, patients, and healthcare professionals as the country’s level of digitalisation and use of health IT is extensive and covers all the sectors in the health system.

Technology is developing rapidly, however. Now Denmark is on the threshold of fundamental changes that can have significance for the whole IT sector and market.

At the service level, in Denmark, the use of technology as a support tool and means of delivering care, treatment, rehabilitation and prevention, is advanced. One area in which the possibilities has been used and implemented with great success is mental health.

Denmark’s health IT market is mindful of its unique opportunities, local conditions, and potential future paradigm shifts.


The moderator and speakers on 23 November 2023 were:

Janne Rasmussen, Chief Consultant, MedCom

Claus Duedal Pedersen, Head of Unit, sundhed.dk

Thomas Lambertsen Binzer, Head of Development & Implementation, Center for Digital Psychiatry

The speakers provided core insights into the three areas of innovation. These included Danish ways of accessing, governing, entering the market, and standardising IT/digital health, as well as all the latest on how good mental health and well-being is being handled in the country.  The tasks provided real-life examples of health IT innovation and implementation. All three speakers highlighted what are the next challenges and projects

⚜️ The webinar's detailed report and video are available for EHTEL members only.

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