Medication provides a very good example of the basis for how to create important clinical value. Of course, to achieve this, data harmonisation, interaction among processes and actors, and governance, all need to be handled appropriately. Yet there are many other domains which require increased and systemic cooperation between those different public entities which play a role in health systems. Data interoperability and security are greatly facilitated when one can rely on official databases and create systematic cooperation mechanisms between public institutions. The result is interoperability “at the source”. In this session, we will provide recent examples of integration processes involving regional, national, European, and international entities.
🕐 Session Programme
► Session introduction
► The Nordic path to interoperability and digital inclusiveness
Anders Tunold-Hanssen, CEO, Nordic Interoperability Project
Cross-border sharing of health data is essential for creating a sustainable Nordic healthcare system for the future, where you and I can travel across the Nordics knowing that our data will be available at the point of care or for research and innovation purposes. This supports the ambition of the Nordic Council of Ministers - to make the Nordics the most integrated health region in the world by 2030. The Nordic Interoperability Project is a pan-Nordic initiative supporting this ambition, where we want to enable patients to live and act in an open, seamless, cross-border healthcare ecosystem, by showcasing world-class solutions and innovations from the Nordics.
► Interoperability: What is the success recipe?
Derek Ritz, Principal Consultant, IHE-EUROPE
Interoperability is a governance problem pretending to be a technical problem. This short presentation will leverage examples from other healthcare domains to illustrate some of the sociotechnical elements crucial to achieving broad adoption and interoperability in national, regional, and global contexts.
► Moderated debate with speakers
Kristine Aasen, Norwegian Medicines Agency (NoMA)