BeWell is a four-year Erasmus+ project focused on upskilling and reskilling the European health workforce in terms of digital skills and green skills through assignments like: a skills strategy; good practice examples; and the development and promotion of actual training/education courses.
Over summer 2023, the project's members - EHTEL is one - are being asked to suggest people who might contribute, with their expertise, to a series of focus groups. The leads on this activity are the WHO's European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies and the Netherlands' Institute for Health Services Research (NIVEL).
Get ahead of the game by stepping up early.
Signal your interest in being put forward for this process through EHTEL (
In general, the search is on for anyone who is involved in the digital and green skills training, developments, upskilling and reskilling in the healthcare field in six countries (Austria, Bulgaria, Italy, Germany, Norway, and Romania).
People's more precise areas of work or responsibilities can cover: e.g., developing, financing, managing, or practicing digital health and green skills in the health field.
Suggested focus group nominees could include e.g., those who either have these roles or who work in any of these fields. EHTEL members are especially encouraged to think about regional/local orientations:
- Ministers of Health/Ministries of Health
- General secretaries/assistants in Ministries of Health
- Health professionals
- Hospital associations
- Doctors' associations/nurses' associations or professionals with experiences of digital/green training
- Early adopters of digital / green skills who work in health
- Academic institutions
- Health insurance companies
- National Public Health Institutes
- Other relevant national institutes
Invitations to the selected individuals who will attend the focus groups will be sent out by BeWell around mid/end September 2023. The focus groups themselves will be scheduled to take place in October/November 2023.
Focus groups are likely to concentrate on questions around digital skills (and green skills) for the health workforce on more precise topics like:
- the development of skills.
- the initiation of programmes, projects, and initiatives for these skills.
- barriers and removal of barriers to these skills.
- facilitators or drivers to skills development/initiation.
- validate the content of BeWell's proposed skills strategybefore the wider public is consulted.
- nominate some of your own staff to attend online a series of useful yet brief ("urgent skills") training courses.
- upskilling/reskilling courses on widely varying topics (the range of courses covers the use of common digital applications to the implementation of applications using artificial intelligence or big data).
- attend a variety of skills-related events to which the BeWell project is contributing e.g., register already for this Wednesday 11 October 2023, 14.30 - 15.30 CET session during the European Week on Regions and Cities.