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2024 Work Programme

European health and care are facing many concrete immediate and long-term challenges. Systems and services are experiencing difficulties in dealing with a large number of threats, including handling major health conditions and diseases, facing epidemics, dealing with population shifts and changes, and needing to manage and organise upskilling and reskilling.

Hence, first, there is a massive need for the transformation of health and care delivery, including organisationally and digitally. 

Europeans need to find the optimum ways to design and deliver this change! It is crucial therefore to begin to focus on the enablers of this transformation.

Among the core two facilitating mechanisms needed to deliver change are: 
  • the governance of interoperability and connectivity,
  • capacity-building in terms of skills, workforces, and a wide range of tools and assets. 
EHTEL has brought all three of these issues ("tracks") together through a series of workshops and webinars throughout its 2024 work programme that will culminate in the holding of EHTEL's 2024 Symposium. Your involvement and engagement in these important moves forward are welcomed!
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What is EHTEL doing in 2024?

This year, with its emphasis on facilitating knowledge and developing new knowledge, EHTEL’s Imagining 2029 edition is structured in three tracks. The three tracks are on: Transforming Care DeliveryChange Management, and Interoperability in Practice. They build on earlier work developed by EHTEL.

Each of these Imagining 2029 tracks has a specific orientation and is intended to attract different audiences.

EHTEL will also be present at, and involved in, a number of important events and conferences.

The second in a series is the 2024 Radical Health Festival Helsinki.

It includes three sessions with Imagining 2029 themes.

RHFH 2024

Transforming Care Delivery, including the use of AI

This track will focus on work related to:

  • Prevention.
  • Integrated long-term care.
  • The efforts of large-scale pilot projects.
It draws on the work of two EU projects, in particular: COMFORTage and Laurel.

Change Management, including capacity-building

This track has three parts. It is oriented towards:

  • Support for large-scale deployment.
  • Health workforce skills.
  • The work of social robots.
Its work is related to the focus of three EU projectsDigitalHealthUptakeBeWell, and LIFEBOTS Exchange.

Webinars and workshops

▶️ Scale-up toolkit: lessons from digital health innovators, supported by DigitalHealthUptake | 21 May 2024, at the Radical Health Festival Helsinki

▶️“Digital mental health large scale-up, supported by DigitalHealthUptake | 3 October 2024


Interoperability in practice, including the European Health Data Space

This track has two parts. It is oriented towards:

  • The implementation of identity (ID) standards related to medicinal products.
  • An interoperability hub with a focus on public health use of data.
It relates to the initiatives undertaken in two EU projectsUNICOM and xShare.

Webinars and workshops

▶️ EHDS - Toward Data-Driven Health Systems for Prevention, Precision and Equity, supported by xShare | 22 May 2024, at the Radical Health Festival Helsinki
▶️ Interoperability - Beyond Technology,  Towards People and Systems Talking to Each Other, showcasing UNICOM | 22 May 2024, at the Radical Health Festival Helsinki
▶️ Stakeholder consultation on the xShare Hub governance, supported by xShare | November 2024 (TBC)

Trends in local markets track

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In 2023, EHTEL launched a new series of webinars. It focused on what's trending today and what are the hot topics for EHTEL's own members. 

These were webinars tailored to the needs of EHTEL members and prospective members. They were geared towards offering local insights into local markets and local trends in EHTEL members’ countries and regions. They were intended to attract match-making - between health care authorities and health and care providers - and to bring together the demand side and supply side of the market.

In 2024, the intention is to continue with some new "trends in local markets" track in the autumn. It is likely that the webinars will be organised by EHTEL members in Catalunya and Norway.  

All emerging presentations and video recordings will be shared with EHTEL members and special invitees!


▶️ October 2024 (TBC) 

▶️ November 2024 (TBC)


⚜️ Members-only activities

Throughout 2024, EHTEL is also active with a set of other members-only activities:
⚜️ Match-making of members (especially getting EHTEL members involved in EU-related projects). 
⚜️ Six types of advocacy, on topics including:
  • Set up of a European Health Data Space (EHDS) Implementers' Task Force. This Task Force is built as a response to a set of challenges and opportunities offered by the EHDS, indentified by EHTEL members through a survey EHTEL ran in spring 2024.
  • Implementation of the European Health Data Space Regulation.
  • The AI Act, and its relevance for health and care.
  • The 'Yellow Button' which will facilitate citizen-centric data-sharing.
  • The Pact for Skills, and digital skills for the health and care workforce.
  • Putting into practice the European Care Strategy, a Council Recommendation on long-term care.
⚜️ The mid-term Annual General Meeting.

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 Being green: EHTEL continues with a green approach to meeting organisation in 2024 that brings together both physical meetings and virtual meetings. 



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