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EHTELconnect is a set of services and events designed for all stakeholders engaged in eHealth, including citizens, patients, health professionals, health care providers, health insurers, public authorities, industry and eHealth solutions’ providers.
All EHTELconnect services are tailored to your specific needs and built on EHTEL’s 25 years of experience in digital health.
As a result of these activities, the EHTEL Members' Workspace provides Members with access to premium content such as good practice reports on various digital health-related topics.
EHTELconnect services offer unique opportunities to:
  • Benefit from EHTEL’s personalised support and access information and guidance on state-of-the-art practices in digital health
  • Learn from successful experiences in eHealth development and implementation in different countries and regions
  • Showcase your own achievements in digital health implementation to international audiences and expand your networks



EHTEL Member access to information and expertise

premium3EHTEL provides first-hand expertise aimed at addressing the transformational challenges faced by EHTEL Members. Several types of content are restricted to Member organisations and their staff.

This content includes:

  • Video webinars, reports and presentations
  • Good practice reports and webinars, prepared under the EHTELconnect technical assistance banner, to assist organisations in defining or refining aspects of their digital health strategies.
As a result of EHTEL's expertise and activities, the EHTEL Match-making platform provides Members with access to premium content such as good practice reports on various digital health-related topics.
The latest examples include:


Study on the legal and organizational frameworks for delivery of healthcare services at a distance – Good practices from Israel, Germany and France.


The purpose of this study is to explore legislation and regulation for telemedicine in three countries: Israel, Germany and France -  in order to provide insight and possible directions for telemedicine legislation and regulation in the Czech Republic.


Study on existing methodologies including KPIs based on EU best practices and expertise – Good practices from Catalunya and Denmark.


The main aim of this report is to provide information to Czech health authorities on how national organizations of eHealth services in Europe monitor progress and evaluate impact of investments in digital health. It describes key processes and maps out existing methodologies to monitor and evaluate eHealth reviewing their practical applications and feasibility in Denmark and Catalunya.


Report on the definition of processes for running the governance model based on EU best practices – Good practices from Belgium and the Netherlands


After introducing the topic and providing guidance on the global governance process, the report provides a retrospective, but analytical summary of the processes established by two Member States - Belgium and The Netherlands - to create, monitor, and adapt the governance of their eHealth National Roadmap. It will also emphasize how those processes have evolved over time and what are the factors which have influenced this evolution.


Study of European eHealth Strategies and National eHealth Competence Centres (NeHCs) in Europe – State of affairs in 10 countries or regions.


This report aims to review best practices in the area of eHealth strategy and the establishment of national eHealth competence centres that can support the decisions that will need to be made by the Ministry of Health in the Czech Republic.

The good practices of three Member States were reviewed in depth: Austria, Denmark, Slovakia.

Competence centres from 6 other Member States and regions were also analysed: NHS Digital – England, THL – Finland, Gematik – Germany, Lombardia Informatica – Lombardy – Italy, Agence eSanté – Luxembourg, NICTIZ – The Netherlands.


eHealth Governance – Country Reports - Belgium, Catalunya, Denmark, Israel, Scotland, The Netherlands


With these reports, Ernst & Young and the Ministry of Social Affairs of Estonia have access to a sample of international good practices on how to govern the deployment of digital health within a country or a region.


For more information on EHTELconnect services contact us at:

Tel: +32 2 230 1534
Fax: +32 2 230 8440
EHTEL, Avenue de Tervueren 168, Box 2 - B-1150 Brussels, Belgium

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