The focus of this session was entirely on the data space. Once implemented, the EHDS Regulation will interconnect the primary and secondary uses of health data. Furthermore, with the rights given to all individuals to access, download, and share their health data, one can expect that the emergence of citizen-centric data ecosystems will complement the traditional clinician-centric relationship. This session offered the possibility to reflect on the implications of these paradigm shifts. Discussions centred around practical questions like how to involve stakeholders; how to involve both frontrunners and latecomers; how to define data quality; and how to obtain medical data from clinicians.
🗣️ Speakers
► Session introduction
Henrique Martins, Instituto Universitario De Lisboa, Portugal
► EHDS, an opportunity to deliver value to people, the views of the industry
János Vincze, Vendor Co-Chair of IHE Europe
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► Do research need to get data directly from people?
Norman Sabbah, Telemedicine Technologies, France
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► Leveraging the EHDS: advancing public health and citizen impact
Nienke Schutte, Sciensano, Belgium
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